Signed, Moker |
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Promotional Videos DELTA Force Clan and [RA]
By: [DELTA]Roach[RA].

We Present our comunity called DELTA, it consists of basic militar strategic principes based on 'real life', wich give us the look of an Elite of players who we call 'Clans', Conformed by different type of soldiers with their respective jobs, we present here the Elite DELTA & Ranger :
Deltas & Ranger`s Comandantes:
- Lideres: [DELTA]VicKtoR[RA], [DELTA]_Punisher[RA], [DELTA]Roach[RA], [DELTA]Blaze[RA], [DELTA]Derck[RA].
- Generales: [DELTA]DJWILL187[RA], [DELTA]Nariaku[RA], [DELTA]FoxDIE[RA], [DELTA]DragoN[RA].
- Tenientes Generales: [DELTA]Marcos[RA], [DELTA]MARIO[RA].
- Comandantes: [DELTA]Metro[RA], [DELTA]Kx[RA].
- Coroneles: [DELTA]Diego[RA], [DELTA]Narcotic[RA].
Los Integrantes se dividen por series, Por ejemplo: Pilotos, ingenieros, Soldados, medicos, etc ..
Cada cual sabe que funcion cumple, ESO SERA termino privado en el Clan DELTA.
Quieres Ingresar ?
Debes obtener Varios Requisitos pedidos por los rangos mayores DELTAS, que son los siguientes:
- Poseer de puntuacion, Mas de 10.000 Puntos.
- Llevar Experiencia de Otros servidores de Guerra, o Por lo Menos Llevar minimo de 80 horas jugadas en COD5 - Resurrection.
- Respetar Las Reglas del servidor y respetar a los demas jugadores.
- Conocimiento de las Naciones Unidas y un sentido basico de Estrategias Militares.
- Tener tus /skills, todos al maximo.
- Tener un minimo de diferencia de kills y deaths, que es de 200.
- Llevar Experiencia de Otros servidores de Guerra, o Por lo Menos Llevar minimo de 80 horas jugadas en COD5 - Resurrection.
- Respetar Las Reglas del servidor y respetar a los demas jugadores.
- Conocimiento de las Naciones Unidas y un sentido basico de Estrategias Militares.
- Tener tus /skills, todos al maximo.
- Tener un minimo de diferencia de kills y deaths, que es de 200.
[DELTA]The_Punisher wrote:
Aplicacion para DELTA Force Clan:
- Nombre en el juego:
- Por que quieres ser parte de este clan ?:
- Por que piensas que nosotros te aceptaremos ?:
- Has pertenecido a otro clan que no sea enemigo ?:
- Cuanto tiempo juegas mas o menos en el server ?:
- Como quedaria tu nombre con los tag`s [DELTA][RA]:
- Tu tienes el tag [COD5] ?:
- Tienes alguna relacion con algun otro clan ?:
- Por favor, coloca una imagen de tus stats, para evaluarte:
Reglas del Clan DELTA Force:
[DELTA]_Punisher[RA] wrote:
#Espanol / Spanish
01. No faltarle el repeto a ningun jugador sea o no sea del clan.
02. No desobedeser a sus superiores.
03. Avisar cuando llega o se va del server(amenos que pierda la conexion).
04. No romper ninguna de las reglas del server.
05. Deve ser bueno jugando (segun como juegue se le selecionara una especialidad para el ej:espia,sniper).
06. Ser fiel al clan, pase lo que pase, en devilidad o fuerza (al no cumplir esta regla,en jugador es echado de rangers para siempre).
07. En caso de que un miembro tenga problemas con otro miembro, avisar a un lider por /pm.
- [VOD] Victory or Death, Lider: JokeR_ZandeR[VOD].

- [DCA] Desert Combat Arms, Lider: [COD5]Coppy[DC].

- [ROJO] Equipo Rojo, Lider: [COD5]JoSe[ROJO].

- [LF] Legendary Fighters, Lider: [LEGEND]ToPhrESH.

- [SA] Supreme Alliance, Lider: [COD5]eBay[SA].

- [DC] Desert Combat Rebelz, Lider: [COD5]IAZZMS[DC].

- [HAWX] H.A.W.X Experimental Squadron, Lider: [SAP][SASA][HAWX].


Fundadores DELTA

Lideres Clan DELTA & Ranger

Delta 1 - [DELTA]Roach[RA]
Delta 2 - [DELTA]Blaze[RA]
Delta 3 - [DELTA]Derck[RA]
Generales de Armada

Delta 4 - [DELTA]DJWILL187[RA]
Delta 5 - [DELTA]Nariaku[RA]
Delta 6 - [DELTA]FoxDIE[RA]
Delta 7 - [DELTA]DragoN[RA]
Tenientes Generales

Delta 8 - [DELTA]Marcos[RA]
Delta 9 - [DELTA]MARIO[RA]

Delta 10 - [DELTA]Metro[RA]
Delta 11 - [DELTA]Kx[RA]

Delta 12 - [DELTA]Diego[RA]
Delta 13 - [DELTA]Narcotic[RA]

Delta 14 - [DELTA]Gunkid.[RA]
Delta 15 - [DELTA]Elberth[RA]
Delta 16 - [DELTA]Vive[RA]
Delta 17 - [DELTA]Chocho[RA]
Delta 18 - [DELTA]Soap[RA] / pendiente
Delta 19 - [DELTA]Checho[RA]
Delta 20 - [DELTA]Honorable[RA]
Delta 21 - [DELTA]Killer007[RA]

Delta 22 - [DELTA]Stalker[RA]
Delta 23 - [DELTA]TheJok3r[RA]
Delta 24 - [DELTA]Nitsugito[RA]
Delta 26 - [DELTA]Lucas[RA]
Delta 27 - [DELTA]TI4AGO[RA] / pendiente
Delta 28 - [DELTA]Jehuty[RA]
Delta 29 - [DELTA]Hunter[RA] / pendiente

Delta 30 - [DELTA]Master[RA]
Delta 31 - [DELTA]CaBeZoN[RA]
Delta 32 - [DELTA].Gionux[RA]
Delta 33 - [DELTA]NightWolf[RA]
Delta 34 - [DELTA]AndreS[RA]
Delta 35 - [DELTA]Kmotero[RA]
Delta 36 - [DELTA]_Vampire[RA]
Soldado Division 'Numero - 1'

Delta 37 - [DELTA]Kevin[RA]
Delta 38 - [DELTA]Vic[RA]
Delta 39 - [DELTA]Fabiano[RA]
Delta 40 - [DELTA]CAPONE[RA]

Delta 41 - [DELTA]J0rg3[RA]
Delta 42 - [DELTA]Divilon[RA]
Delta 43 - [DELTA]KILLER[RA]
Delta 44 - [DELTA]BlackFire[RA]
Delta 45 - [DELTA]CrisTiaN[RA]
Delta 46 - [DELTA]King.22[RA]
Delta 47 - [DELTA]SaN[RA]
Delta 48 - [DELTA]Matias[RA]
Delta 49 - [DELTA]P.S.Y[RA]
*pendiente* = Significa que el jugador esta en espera, si seguira jugando, para ser expulsado por inactividad.
Si Quieres unirte, solo Debes Hablar Con Los 4 Primeros DELTAS, para poder empezar las: PRUEBAS DE INGRESO!, BUENA SUERTE!.
El DELTA MIEMBRO tendra '2 advertencias' Antes de Ser expulsado de Los deltas. En Cuanto A Las Reglas y Respeto Entre Los miembros deltas.
Si Algun El Jugador Tiene Algun Problema Con MIEMBRO me lo Por dados '/pm' ESTO diga solo:
'VENGO A REPORTAR ABUSO DE PODER': en Caso de Abuso de Poder de 'Rangos'.
'VENGO A REPORTAR A UN MIEMBRO DEL EQUIPO': si en Caso El Jugador ha roto Alguna Regla molestando un Estado Otros jugadores.
Como cambiarte el nombre ?, entra a este LINK:
INGLES (English)
This community called Delta, consists of the basic beginning of the military based strategy in real life. Composed by several soldiers assigned to his respective series, which here the representatives appear deltas:
Deltas & Ranger`s Commanders:
- Leaders: [DELTA]VicKtoR[RA], [DELTA]_Punisher[RA], [DELTA]Roach[RA], [DELTA]Blaze[RA], [DELTA]Derck[RA].
- Generals: [DELTA]DJWILL187[RA], [DELTA]Nariaku[RA], [DELTA]FoxDIE[RA], [DELTA]DragoN[RA].
- Generals Lieutenants: [DELTA]Marcos[RA], [DELTA]MARIO[RA].
- Commanders: [DELTA]Metro[RA], [DELTA]Kx[RA].
- Colonels: [DELTA]Diego[RA], [DELTA]Narcotic[RA].
The members divide in series, for example, pilots, engineers, soldiers, doctors, etc...
The whole world knows his paper, which will finish the Clan DELTA deprived.
Do you want to join ?
You must obtain a number of conditions demanded by the chains bigger delta they are the following ones:
- To have in annotating more than 10.000 points.
- To take the experience of other servants of the war, or at least to support a minimum of 80 hours that reproduces in cod5 resurrection.
- To respect the rules of the servant and the respect of his companions of game.
- To have a basic knowledge of the military strategies.
- Your need to have your /skills to the maximum.
- To have a difference minimum of kills and deaths, that is of 200.
- To take the experience of other servants of the war, or at least to support a minimum of 80 hours that reproduces in cod5 resurrection.
- To respect the rules of the servant and the respect of his companions of game.
- To have a basic knowledge of the military strategies.
- Your need to have your /skills to the maximum.
- To have a difference minimum of kills and deaths, that is of 200.
[DELTA]_Punisher[RA] wrote:
Application for DELTA Force Clan:
- Ingame Name:
- Why do you want to be part of our clan ?:
- Why should we accept you ?:
- What coud you do as part of our clan ?:
- Hoy much time do you play in the server ?:
- How will be your name with the tag [DELTA][RA]:
- Do you have the [COD5] tag ?:
- Have you been part of another clan ?:
- put a pic with your stats and skills:
Rules of DELTA Force Clan:
[DELTA]_Punisher[RA] wrote:
# Ingles / English
01. Do not miss the repeat to any player whether or not the clan.
02. No disobey to his superiors.
03. Tell me when arrives or leaves the server (unless you lose the connection).
04. Not break any of the rules of the server.
05. Deve be good playing (depending on how you play Select a specialty for example: spy, sniper).
06. Being faithful to the clan, no matter what happens, in Devil or force (by not enforcing this rule, a player is kicked out of rangers forever).
07. If a member has problems with another member, tell a leader by / pm.
- [VOD] Victory or Death, Leader: JokeR_ZandeR[VOD].

- [DCA] Desert Combat Arms, Leader: [COD5]Coppy[DC].

- [ROJO] Equipo Rojo, Leader: [COD5]JoSe[ROJO].

- [LF] Legendary Fighters, Leader: [LEGEND]ToPhrESH.

- [SA] Supreme Alliance, Leader: [COD5]eBay[SA].

- [DC] Desert Combat Rebelz, Leader: [COD5]IAZZMS[DC].

- [HAWX] H.A.W.X Experimental Squadron, Leader: [SAP][SASA][HAWX].


Founders DELTA

Leaders Clan DELTA & Ranger

Delta 1 - [DELTA]Roach[RA]
Delta 2 - [DELTA]Blaze[RA]
Delta 3 - [DELTA]Derck[RA]
Generals of Army`s

Delta 4 - [DELTA]DJWILL187[RA]
Delta 5 - [DELTA]Nariaku[RA]
Delta 6 - [DELTA]FoxDIE[RA]
Delta 7 - [DELTA]DragoN[RA]
Generals Lieutenants

Delta 8 - [DELTA]Marcos[RA]
Delta 9 - [DELTA]MARIO[RA]

Delta 10 - [DELTA]Metro[RA]
Delta 11 - [DELTA]Kx[RA]

Delta 12 - [DELTA]Diego[RA]
Delta 13 - [DELTA]Narcotic[RA]

Delta 14 - [DELTA]Gunkid.[RA]
Delta 15 - [DELTA]Elberth[RA]
Delta 16 - [DELTA]Vive[RA]
Delta 17 - [DELTA]Chocho[RA]
Delta 18 - [DELTA]Soap[RA] / pending
Delta 19 - [DELTA]Checho[RA]
Delta 20 - [DELTA]Honorable[RA]
Delta 21 - [DELTA]Killer007[RA]

Delta 22 - [DELTA]Stalker[RA]
Delta 23 - [DELTA]TheJok3r[RA]
Delta 24 - [DELTA]Nitsugito[RA]
Delta 26 - [DELTA]Lucas[RA]
Delta 27 - [DELTA]TI4AGO[RA] / pending
Delta 28 - [DELTA]Jehuty[RA]
Delta 29 - [DELTA]Hunter[RA] / pending

Delta 30 - [DELTA]Master[RA]
Delta 31 - [DELTA]CaBeZoN[RA]
Delta 32 - [DELTA].Gionux[RA]
Delta 33 - [DELTA]NightWolf[RA]
Delta 34 - [DELTA]AndreS[RA]
Delta 35 - [DELTA]Kmotero[RA]
Delta 36 - [DELTA]_Vampire[RA]
Soldiers Division 'Number - 1'

Delta 37 - [DELTA]Kevin[RA]
Delta 38 - [DELTA]Vic[RA]
Delta 39 - [DELTA]Fabiano[RA]
Delta 40 - [DELTA]CAPONE[RA]

Delta 41 - [DELTA]J0rg3[RA]
Delta 42 - [DELTA]Divilon[RA]
Delta 43 - [DELTA]KILLER[RA]
Delta 44 - [DELTA]BlackFire[RA]
Delta 45 - [DELTA]CrisTiaN[RA]
Delta 46 - [DELTA]King.22[RA]
Delta 47 - [DELTA]SaN[RA]
Delta 48 - [DELTA]Matias[RA]
Delta 49 - [DELTA]P.S.Y[RA]
*pendings* = It means that the player this one in wait, if it will continue playing, to be expelled by inactivity.
If you want to join, only it should speak with the 4 first ones in deltas and late, to begin the entrance examinations, GOOD LUCK!.
Members of the Delta it will have ' two notices ' before being expelled from the deltas. As for the procedure, the deltas of respect.
If the player has a problem with any member, say to me ' / pm ' to say the following thing:
' I have come to report of an abuse of power ': in case of abuse of 'ranges' are able.
' I have come to report of a member of the group ': in the case if the player has broken a rule or has been worrying other players.
GOOD BYE ALL [DELTA]_Punisher[RA], DELTA Leader.
How change my name ?, check in the LINK:
Ranger`s Army [RA]

Con el tema oficial del clan,new divide de linkin park.
El equipo 'Ranger' fue creado el 23 de febrero de 2010, fundado por [DELTA]The_Punisher,[COD5]nicolas[TR] y Gonza[TR]. Apenas fundado el equipo en europa, se alio con otro clan denominado 'DELTAS' comandado por [DELTA]The_Punisher, rangers fue creado con el proposito de cumplir misiones mandadas por los deltas. Los rangers se disolvieron en un momento por falta de jugadores en el server, pero hoy en dia vuelve con nuevas ideas y mejores jugadores para la batalla. Los rangers,el dia de hoy ya no es un derivado,ahora el clan DELTA y RANGER estan unidos para formar el clan mas poderoso y grande.
The team 'Ranger' was created on February 23, 2010, founded by [DELTA] The_Punisher [cod5] nicolas [TR] and Gonza [TR]. Just founded the team in Europe, allied with another clan called 'DELTA' commanded by [DELTA] The_Punisher, Ranger was created for the purpose of fulfilling missions sent by the deltas. The Rangers were dissolved in a moment due to lack of players on the server, but today is back with new ideas and better players for battle. The Rangers, this day is not a derivative of the Delta are now a separate clan and any otro.Pero we remain allies of them, in token of friendship.

#Espanol / Spanish
01. No faltarle el repeto a ningun jugador sea o no sea del clan.
02. No desobedecer a sus superiores.
03. Avisar cuando llega o se va del server(amenos que pierda la conexion).
04. No romper ninguna de las reglas del server.
05. Deve ser bueno jugando (segun como juegue se le selecionara una especialidad para el ej:espia,sniper).
06. Ser fiel al clan, pase lo que pase, en devilidad o fuerza (al no cumplir esta regla,en jugador es echado de rangers para siempre).
07. En caso de que un miembro tenga problemas con otro miembro, avisar a un lider por /pm.
# Ingles / English
01. Do not miss the repeat to any player whether or not the clan.
02. No disobey to his superiors.
03. Tell me when arrives or leaves the server (unless you lose the connection).
04. Not break any of the rules of the server.
05. Deve be good playing (depending on how you play Select a specialty for example: spy, sniper).
06. Being faithful to the clan, no matter what happens, in Devil or force (by not enforcing this rule, a player is kicked out of rangers forever).
07. If a member has problems with another member, tell a leader by / pm.
Tenemos el clan, tenemos el armamento, tenemos los vehiculos, tenemos la energia y la audacia de llevar a australia a lo mas lejos, te unes y nos acompanas ?.
We have a clan, we have the weapons, we have the vehicles, we have the energy and boldness to carry Australia to as far away, will you join us along ?.
Leaders Ranger`s Army

Generals Ranger`s Army

Ranger 1 - Camunoz_9[RA]
Ranger 2 -
Commanders Ranger`s Army

Ranger 3 - LinkinPark[RA]
Ranger 4 - SERGIO[RA]
Colonels Ranger`s Army

Ranger 5 -
Ranger 6 -
Captains Ranger`s Army

Ranger 7 - Pipe[RA]
Ranger 8 - ElAleeh[RA]
Privates Ranger`s Army

Ranger 9 - Cristian[RA]
Ranger 10 -
Ranger 11 -
Ranger 12 - David_Adrian[RA]
Ranger 13 - Nyne[RA]
Ranger 14 - Bob_Jackson[RA]
Ranger 15 - Z4K3[RA]
Ranger 16 - CIBER_EDW[RA]
Ranger 17 - Wallas[RA]
Ranger 18 - ninabianca[RA]
Ranger 19 - ElPibitoo[RA]

Any doubt, consultation, you can consult her with the Leaders of the Clan, route I play for /pm or route Forum.
RaW wrote:
I'm a Racist.
EPIC...~| WEB DELTA Force & Ranger`s Army Clan |~